Saturday, December 12, 2015

Why learning the art of saying "No !" is Important ?

If there is a problem or something you are disliking, be honest, and say “no”. “No” is a negative term, but if you can master the art of politely saying “no, thanks”, it will be better for both you and your people. Remember, individuals are not emotionally attached to you, so they would prefer honesty over dishonesty. A review by Harvard Business found that part of success lies in saying “no”. It is believed that people who always say “yes” to everything are either afraid to say “no”, or not sure of what they want. And these kind of people usually don’t succeed in life.

The above highlighted paragraph is copied from the 

Well ! found the above paragraph, in the internet. And I felt like it's worth sharing. Because, we were taught to say Yes to everything, see the brighter side, take the challenge and say Yes. Or saying No would be a disrespect, and ........ the lecture goes on. But, I just feel that I am inviting myself a problem by not saying No, thinking that would be disrespect. But, To give, I have to be capable enough to be able to give. So if I'm not capable enough to give and if I say Yes to give, how am I going to give. I am inviting myself a problem by accepting to give. :) :P 

Won't Saying "YES" To everything will make our life like a robot who is programmed to say Yes. Suppose life asks you a question "Do you want to die?" The answer could be No, but if you are programmed to say Yes! Opps.. .But "do you want to die?" , Of course, Not. But you were never taught to say no, so what would you do now say Yes which you don't want.

Now, Why am I focusing in this "Yes/No" is because, in our society, a child who is satisfied with whatever is given is considered a good child and a child who is never satisfied a bad child. I read it somewhere as a suggestion. "Accept whatever is given"  Why? Why not be rebellious, Why consider a rebellious child bad and a child who is okay with everything a good. When a rebellious child have more probability of bringing the change, and be successful and a satisfied child has more chances of getting the failure in life.  Okay I'm not saying a rebellious child will be successful and an okay child will be a failure, but given a situation where both the child have just faced a failure, a child considered rebellious might not accept it and fight against the situation where as a child who is okay with everything might just accept whatever situation he or she is in and accept the failure and become a failure. 

As the writer of the copied para says it, saying no is an art, teach that art in the childhood. It is a very important lesson in life. 

Being a "Buddhist by birth" there were many such misconceptions which I tried to follow as the lessons of Buddha but they failed. Now trying to Become a Buddhist by nature, I now feel that its not about the quotes its abt using your buddhi (wisdom), the proper usage of the Brain. As the buddha says it himself "Don't accept the words, even if I said so until you truly believe it from your wisdom(Buddhi)". So don't say yes to everything, don't say no to everything, use your Vivek (Buddhi, wisdom), and filter them out. To parents don't be happy if your kid is okay with everything. Teach him to say no along with Yes. Basically, learn and teach to use the so-called "brain" that we have by birth.

P.S. These are my thoughts, my views, from what I'v seen in my surrounding. What's your view? Do you think saying no is the art? Do share your views. Any kind of suggestions is always welcome. Thank you for your time and thank you for going through my blog :) 

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