When I saw pictures of my mom in her Nun avatar I could not hold my emotions. Could not stop myself from writing this long blog about me, my parents and Buddhism. I am really emotional, happy, proud and feel blessed that I am born as her daughter! I must have done some good Karma in my past life that I am born to my parents as their first child. If you ever found me kind it is because of my parents who always said "Have patience, Good Karma will bring you good!" Sometimes I also feel that the good things in my life are because of my parents good Karma! However, if you find me rude, it is because of the way you treated me or somebody else, badly for a very long time! You might not believe but in my family I'm the rebellious one, who always said "If you are too kind, people will take benefit of you, You have to be rude and selfish."
Like many people I had the misconception that Buddhism is not the religion for this modern cruel world where you get to see cruelty everyday. Because I thought only good people will understand your kindness and most people in this world are cruel. That is also the reason why I believe my parents are strong because they choose to keep themselves pure and honest even in this corrupted world. They say it does not matter what others understand, but what you understand is what matters. It was after my mom started going to Buddhist lessons (Pariyati Sikshya) that we all realized that there are many misconception of Buddhism. Honestly speaking, I do not think I was a true Buddhist then, I was born to a Buddhist family but I do not think we all practiced Buddhism correctly then either. I always wanted reasons or a pure logic behind every rituals we did! I was stubborn on existence of god and any other things considered supernatural. But as we started understanding the true meaning of Buddhisms after she went to the Buddhist Classes, I realized Buddhism is the lessons of life that is very useful in modern world. Hence, today I do not want to consider my self a Buddhist in terms of Religion but I do believe in Buddhism and wish to be a good Buddhist practitioner.
From my understanding today, any one can be Buddhist. Today, I believe in past life, ghost, god, angel, devil, karma,prayers, luck and everything! I believe in every religion because Buddhism is not limited to one single god or goddess. Buddhism mean use of Brain(Buddhi). Buddhism helped me understand the limits and rules.
No! Buddhism do not say "Kill yourself to save others". Buddhism is about Self Awareness, but at the same time doing things that would benefit the Mass. Doing the right thing at right time and be mindful. Siddhartha Buddha in his past life before being Enlightened gave his flesh to save the tigers but that does not mean you have to kill yourself to save everyone! That was just an example of Good karma. Just because he did so, does not mean you would let others use you for their benefit! My mom explained that you should help everyone who needs help but if they are someone who are using you for their benefit because they know that you will help them but they would not respect you later for your help then its okay to choose not to help such people who do not value good karma, or who do not respect your good deeds.
I am always confused for being good (good according to today's society) and being bad but being good for yourself. I always have the conflict of good and bad in my mind because I want to be a good person but I am not strong enough to handle betrayal, corruption, or to forgive someone or even tolerate a wrong deed when I know it. I feel either guilty for not being able to make it right or I go crazy that I did not do anything to stop that wrong deed! I am still attached to everything in this world. I can't stop the negative thoughts when things go wrong. Its not easy to forgive or forget the people who made you feel bad. Choosing to be kind to people who treat you bad is not easy and that is why I think my parents are really strong.
Anyways, I am a believer in Buddhist practice(not in a religious way) who would wish to understand Buddhism (100%) that is use brain more wisely and am still trying to be a better practitioner. However, here are explanation according to my interpretation and understanding on some questions or confusions that people have:
Are all the Buddhist Vegetarian? or Do all the Buddhist need to be Vegetarian?
- No, being vegetarian or non vegetarian is one's will! Buddhist are suppose to be non-violent as in not take animals life for their wish, however, for some people who lack protein and meat being a very good source of protein, it is okay to eat meat if they want to! But, if you eat any food in large quantity just because you like it's taste or wasting it because you don't like its' taste then you are not being wise! You have to eat a balanced diet which mean eating everything in right amount and in right time! It is okay to eat any food served for your survival but must be mindful of the amount you are eating and not wasting food, for there are many people who don't even get to eat food once in a day.
- No, being vegetarian or non vegetarian is one's will! Buddhist are suppose to be non-violent as in not take animals life for their wish, however, for some people who lack protein and meat being a very good source of protein, it is okay to eat meat if they want to! But, if you eat any food in large quantity just because you like it's taste or wasting it because you don't like its' taste then you are not being wise! You have to eat a balanced diet which mean eating everything in right amount and in right time! It is okay to eat any food served for your survival but must be mindful of the amount you are eating and not wasting food, for there are many people who don't even get to eat food once in a day.
Is it okay for a monk or nun to eat non vegetarian?
- Monk and Nuns feed on foods served to them by the people in the society! They accept whatever is served! Since being non attached to wish or demand is one of the Buddhist practice a wise monk and nun would generally not demand for certain kind of food! However, they can talk about their restrictions in foods because of their health issues! Monks and Nuns generally do not complain on what is being served and it is not necessary that this should be practiced just by monks or nuns. It is a way that you are respecting the fact that you are at least getting to eat.
Why do monks or nuns shave their hair?
- Hair and nails are examples of attachment! Buddhist lessons teach principles of detachment! Cutting hairs and nails is like a first step to detachment!
Do we also need to wear the robe and go to monasteries to be Buddhist?
-No, Anyone can be Buddhist, in fact anyone can be Buddha(the enlightened one). Siddhartha Buddha is one example of Buddha known to the world, who shared his knowledge around the world. There are many other Buddhas known to limited groups hence, there are different ways how people follow Buddhism and represent the Buddha. As I say Buddha is the state of mind where you are enlightened and free from all the attachments, the day when I am free from all kind of attachment, understand sorrow, happiness, ups and downs of life and yet not feel overwhelmed by problems and overexcited with good news, I can be Buddha.
Do you have to leave everything, home and meditate all 24/7 to become a Buddha ?
-No, Siddhartha the Buddha leaving home/his palace is again another example of detachment. Meditation in Buddhism that I know has another meaning and that is to be in the present moment. It is really difficult to be in the present moment. We are often worried about our future or our past. Meditation does not mean to just sit and focus on one thing! Meditation in Buddhist practice is to be aware of present situation, be aware of your body response, be aware that you are having negative thoughts and not be worried by that or being aware that you are having good thoughts and not feeling over excited with that! Many Buddhist Practitioners, however, do sit and meditate to practice to bring their mind and body in present situation. Once you master that practice you might be meditating even when you are eating, talking, walking or doing your everyday task! Hence, there is eating meditation, walking meditation, and the best well known and most practiced is breathing meditation.
Why am I writing this today?
Mom dad you really are the reasons for my existence! May you get more enlightened faster so that you could enlighten us too 💗😊🙏. Thank you for always being there to inspire me to be a better person.